Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Story - "Laps Have Limits" by Jeanne Sueger

           I was sitting at my desk preparing my lessons for the next day of teaching.  All of a sudden, a little ball of grey kitty fur sprang from the floor and landed in my lap.
            After a few seconds of turning and squirming, it settled itself into a comfortable position and turned on its purring motor.
            “Hello, Pigambio,” I said. (Pigambio means “ran fast.”)
            Very soon, another little ball of kitty-fur settled onto the chair next to us. Little by little, first one paw, then the other, then the back feet, and it, too, ventured onto my lap. This was “Mwoga” which means “Coward”. Not a very nice name, but Mwoga gets scared very easily.
            Soon Mwoga was trying to find space at the end of my knees. She had to climb up on Pigambio, making a double-decker. Pigambio squirmed to get out from under Mwoga and eventually slipped off. There was no lap space left!
            Unlike laps, God’s love doesn’t have any limits. He said: “Come unto me, all who labor and are heavy laden . . . “(Matt. 11:28) and “. . . him who comes to Me I will not cast out” (John 6:37). There is room in His love for all of us. When someone else comes in, there is still room.
            Another thing about laps is that when their owners stand up. The laps aren’t there any more. That’s not true of God. He is always there. He says: “I have love you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you” (Jeremiah 31:3)
            Isn’t it wonderful that we can jump up into God’s great lap of love, and know that there is always a place for us there?   

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