Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poems by Unknown - Family Financier

“They tell me you work for a dollar a day;
How is it you clothe your six boys on such pay?”

“I know you will think it conceited and queer,
But I do because I’m a good financier.

“There’s Pete, John, Jim and Joe and William and Ned,
Half-dozen boys to be clothed up and fed.

“And I buy for them all good plain victuals to eat,
And clothing --- I only buy clothing for Pete.

“When Pete’s clothes are too small for him to go on,
My wife makes ‘em over and gives them to John.

“When for John, who is ten, they have grown out of date,
She just makes ‘em over for Jim, who is eight.

“When for Jim they become too ragged to fix,
She makes ‘em over for Joe, who is six.

“And when little Joseph can’t wear them no more,
She just makes ‘em over for Bill, who is four.

“And when for young Bill they no longer will do,
She makes ‘em over for Ned, who is two.

“So you seem if I get enough clothing for Pete,
The family is furnished with clothing complete.”

“But when Ned get through with the clothing, and when
He has thrown it aside, what do you do with it then?”

“Why, once more we go around the circle complete,
And begin to use it for patches for Pete.”

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