When I hear these words spoken, I see a little boy ---- a tired little boy ---- sitting in a church and thinking: I’m so sleepy; but I must keep awake, father will be cross.” Then the lights in the aisle spout flame, the figures in the painted window dance, his head nods, and his eyes close. A minute later they open with a start to find his father’s eyes fixed upon ---- that stern father in whose strenuous life there was no place for a little boy. Even if I close my eyes for one minute father will be angry,” thought the little boy. The preacher droned one. The little boy’s chin sank upon his jacket. When he awoke, his father’s eyes angrily the little boy thought, were again fixed upon him. His father moved; the little boy trembled, and then wonder of wonders! He was lifted from his place; his father’s arms were underneath him, around him. That, without fear ---- indeed with exquisite joy and great confidence ---- the little boy fell asleep in those kind arms. So, I believe, it will be with us who are older when our time comes.
Treasure Chest

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Musing on Bessie A Stanley
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty, or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Poem by Anonymous — It Is Better Farther On
I hear it singing, singing sweetly,
Softly in an undertone,
Singing as if God had taught it
“It is better farther on!”
Night and day it brings the message,
Sings it while I sit alone;
Sings so that the heart may hear it,
“It is better farther on!”
Sits upon the grave and sings it,
Sings it when the heart would groan,
Sings it when the shadows darken,
“It is better farther on!”
Farther on? Oh! How much farther?
Count the mile-stones one by one,
No! No counting ---- only trusting
“It is better farther on!”
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Poem by Rev. John F. Chaplain — He Leadeth Me
In pastures green? Not always; sometimes He
Who knoweth best, in kindness leadeth me
In many ways where heavy shadows be.
Out of the sunshine warm and soft and bright ---
Out of the sunshine into the darkest night.
I oft would faint with sorrow and affright,
Only for this --- I know He holds my hand;
So whether in the green or desert land
I trust although I may not understand.
And by still waters? No, not always so;
Ofttimes the heavy tempest round me blow,
And o’er my soul the waters and billows go
But when the storms beat loudest and I cry
Around for help, the Master standeth by
And whispers to my soul, “Lo, it is I”
Above the tempest wild I hear Him say,
“Beyond the darkness lies a perfect day.
In every path of thine I lead the way.”
So whether on the hilltops high and fair
I dwell, or in the sunless valleys where
The shadows lie --- what matters? He is there.
So where He leads me, I can safely go,
And in the blest hereafter I shall know
Why in His wisdom, He hath led me so.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Poem by Martha Snell Nicholson — The Lost Lamb
In the morning I was thoughtless,
Gay and bold,
Scornful of the quiet shelter
Of the fold.
Now at evening there I wondered,
Lost, forlorn,
And my weary feet were bleeding,
Cut and torn.
Then I heard my Shepherd calling,
Seeking me,
But I hid me, frightened, ---wist not
It was He.
But He found me, stooped and raised me
To His breast.
No reproach, He only bade me
Lie and rest.
Through the mountains then He bore me
All the night,
Sweetly cradled me, and soothed me
Till the light.
Then I saw His footprints in the
Morning dew,
And my heart broke, for His feet were
Bleeding too!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Poem by Martha Snell Nicholson — Trust
I have a little yellow bird
Who loves me very much,
And trusts me so he does not fear
My presence or my touch.
And all day long he is content
To hop about and sing,
And then at night he goes to sleep,
His head beneath his wing.
Sometimes I move his cage at night
And bang it all about;
He never bothers to arouse,
Nor take his wee head out
From underneath his little wing.
He feels no least alarm
Because he knows that it is I,
And that I mean no harm.
Thanks for the lesson, little bird.
I wish that I could be
As confident beneath God’s hand,
And rest as trustfully
Through all the hurricanes which beat
About my house of life,
And heed the tender voice which speaks
From out the storm and strife,
“Lo, it is I, be not afraid,
For here upon My breast,
Within a quiet place of peace
You may securely rest.”
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Poem by Martha Snell Nicholson — Trusting
You ask how you learn to trust Him?
Dear, child, you just must let go!
Let go of your frantic worry,
And the fears which plague you so;
Let go of each black tomorrow
Which you try to live today;
Let go of your fevered planning,
He knoweth all your way.
Fear not lest your slipping fingers
Let go of you Saviour too, ----
Trusting is only knowing
He’ll not let go of you!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Poem by J. C. Brumfield — A Baby's Secret
I’m just a little feller
Who didn’t make it there;
I went straight to be with Jesus
But I’m waiting for you here.
Don’t you fret about me Mommy,
I’m of all God’s lambs most blest;
I’d have loved to stay there with you,
But the Shepherd knows what’s best.
Many dwelling here where I live,
Waited years to enter in,
Struggled through a world of sorrow
And their lives were marred with sin.
So sweet Mommy don’t you sorrow,
Wipe those tears and chase the gloom,
I went straight to Jesus’ bosom
From my lovely mother’s womb.
Thank you for the life you gave me.
It was brief, but don’t complain;
I have all of heaven’s glory
Suffered none of earthling’s pain
Thank you for the name you gave me
I’d have loved to brought it fame;
But if I’d lingered in earth’s shadows
Might instead have bro’t it shame
Daddy gave me something for you,
It’s our secret, Mommy dear.
Pressed it tight against my forehead,
Whispered in my tiny ear.
I’ll be waiting for you, Mommy ----
You and Daddy, Bud and Sis.
I’ll be with you then forever ----
Then I’ll give you Daddy’s kiss.
J. C. Brumfield
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